Legal Information
W TRUST GmbH (W TRUST) is a German company with its principal offices in Duesseldorf - Germany. The company has been registered in August 2005 at the Commercial Registers of Duesseldorf, identified by the registration number HR 52588. The company’s representative is Mr. Jan C. Wendenburg.
Details of the company:
Provider in charge of contents for this website in thesense of the laws of the Teledienstgesetz (TDG) is
Schillerstrasse 20
40237 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (211) 2614300
e-mail: info (at)
Managing Director: Jan C. Wendenburg
VAT ID: DE273559520
District Court ('Amtsgericht') Düsseldorf HRB: 52588
W TRUST is a trademark of W TRUST GmbH. All other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Published by W TRUST GmbH, Duesseldorf.
All rights reserved
We continuously test and update the information contained in this website. However, in spite of all due diligence, data may have changed in time.
Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for or warranty of the information, which is made available on this website, to be up-to-date, correct and complete. The same applies to all other websites to which reference is made by means of hyperlinks. We shall not be responsible for the content of websites, which are accessed by way of such hyperlinks.
We accept no warranty for content and information on base of information of third parties. Therefore W TRUST accepts no liability for these services. Additionally, we reserve the right to change or amend the information provided.
Content and structure of our company’s websites are protected by international copyright laws. Duplication of content or data, especially the use of texts, parts of texts and graphical material require our prior written approval.
If you have any comments or suggestions concerning the design or questions about the content of this website, please contact us by sending an e-mail to info (at)